Thursday, 16 July 2015

What Are The Advantages Of Dental Implants

Dental implant is a boon for the people, who have lost, damaged, broken or decaying tooth, which cannot be repaired. People can also choose implants if they are not happy with the experience of dentures, bridges or partial dentures. In this high-end technology, the titanium anchors are inserted into the patients jawbone which helps in providing support to denture, crown or bridge and then neighbouring bones take their time to heel around the titanium implant. A implant can be performed on single missing tooth as well as on the multiple teeth’s, but before performing the operation It is necessary to check whether the dental patient is  suitable for the placement of titanium implants or not.

Following are the advantages of this technology:
  • Implants acts like a natural teeth:
This implantation provides artificial teeth's which looks natural and provides good chewing power.
  • They last for lifetime:
This process is non-toxic, accepted by human body and is constructed of titanium, which makes this operation last for lifelong if taken good oral care.
  • Helps in keeping gums free of disease:
A missing tooth place can be the area of remaining food, where bacteria’s can grow which in turn can promote gum disease.
  • Protects from skin sagging and aging:
When a tooth is absent from a human face, the jaw line starts to experience the sagging because of the no chewing. It also affects the smile of patients and promotes the premature aging. As it is a well-known fact, that chewing is the best facial exercise for youthful look.
  • This technology is very affordable:
If seen closely, then it is visible that bridges are not affordable because they have short period of life as compared to implants. Bridges also tends to affect the neighbouring teeth’s while operating, which is not the case in implants.

How Cosmetic Dentisry Enhance The Appearance Of Patients Teeth

A healthy gum, teeth or smile is a very important aspect of any person’s personality, because while laughing, smiling or talking with people, first thing which comes in a notice is a tooth. A person with bad teeth always lacks the confidence in public place or professional place; therefore it becomes necessary to seek dentist’s help. There are many people who experience gum bleeding, discoloured teeth, misshapen teeth or missing teeth, which results in bad breath, headache.
Cosmetic dentistry covers vide variety of dental services, such as:
  • Rough spots, cracks or cavities:
There are many people, who indulge in bad eating habits which promotes cavities or rough spots in their teeth’s. But, with the guidance of dentists these rough spots and cavities can be cured, dentist use tooth-coloured stuff known as composite to fill the affected area. But before the treatment, the colour of composite is matched with the colour of patient’s teeth for the even results.  
  • Uneven  or broken teeth: 
It is very common to have slightly uneven teeth’s or broken teeth due to any accident, but when the difference between the shape and size of teeth’s gathers an unwelcome attention, it becomes important to seek help from a dentist. With the help of the dentist, patients can achieve even teeth’s.
  • Discoloured teeth:
Teeth’s usually get stained due to the bad eating habits like excess coffee drinking, smoking or ignorance of oral hygiene. With the help of teeth whitening procedure, stains can be removed to enhance the appearance.

With the help of the regular check-up and visit to a dentist, anyone can prevent future dental damages, because a beautiful smile, healthy teeth and gums without any bad breath helps in boosting the self-confidence and enhances the overall personality of a person.

How Veneers Beautify Damaged Teeth’s

In today’s scenario, it has become very easy to spot a man with poor decoloured or damaged teeth, because of the poor eating habits like drinking excessive alcohol, consuming big amount of Tabaco, coffee, smoking and ignorance of oral hygiene. A charming smile with complimenting healthy teeth’s is a boost up for any one’s self-esteem, thereby it becomes mandatory to seek dentist help for a new teeth makeover. This teeth makeover is performed with the help of a procedure named as Dental Veneers, in this procedure layer of veneers are placed over the top of the teeth’s which helps in protecting the teeth’s and helps in enhancing the looks.

To fabricate a veneer, following two different types of materials are required:
  • Composite veneer:
This material is fabricated in the dental lab, with the help of dental technician and after that this material is placed directly or indirectly to the patients tooth with the help of resin cement known as panavia.
  • Porcelain veneer:
In this process the veneer is indirectly bonded to the patients tooth.

The whole concept of using veneer in dental operations is to beautify the looks of teeth’s which are in a bad condition. In this process, a very little amount of enamel is extracted from the front surface of patients tooth and then an impression is created, in the end the veneer is constructed in a lab which is placed to the patients damaged tooth. This process is not only helpful for improvising the looks of tooth, but they are also helpful in protecting the front surface of tooth from every type of damage. But, for a long-lasting result it is important for a dental patient to look after his teeth’s andmaintain oral hygiene level along with the healthy eating habits.